MQA Explore different levels of ‘unfold’
See how MQA ‘unfolds’ to deliver the best possible listening experience.

MQA Core Decoder
This unfolds the MQA file once to deliver even higher than CD-quality. It is included in some products with digital outputs such as Pioneer and Onkyo players, as well as streaming services and desktop and mobile apps such as TIDAL. Media players like Audirvana and Roon have also implemented the core decoder.
The first unfold recovers all the direct music-related information. Output is 88.2kHz or 96kHz.

MQA Renderer
These products feature an MQA renderer which, when paired with a core decoder, can complete the final unfold and deliver a fully decoded MQA experience. Renderers can be great portable products such as USB DACs and headphones. For example the Zorloo Ztella, AudioQuest DragonFly, a range of iFi products or the ROG Delta S headset, can connect to an MQA Core signal and complete the unfolding of the MQA file.

MQA Full Decoder
Products with a full MQA Decoder unfold the file to deliver the highest possible sound quality. At this level of playback you are hearing what the artists created in the studio – with precise file and platform-specific DAC compensation and management. Partners include Bluesound, Brinkmann, dCS, Meridian, Mytek, NAD, LUMIN, Onkyo, Pioneer, TEAC and Technics, Topping.