Schiit Vidar 2 Stereo ASR Amplifier Review

Schiit Vidar 2 Stereo ASR Amplifier Review

This is a review and detailed measurements of the Schiit Vidar 2 stereo/mono class AB amplifier. It was sent to me by the company .

Nice to see Schiit (finally) put a stand-by switch in the front. They usually have only a power button in the back.

Being a class AB amplifier with a linear power supply, the case is quite heavy and front loaded. The sharp fins make it hard to transport but that is a one time hassle.

Overall design manages to look unique and yet attractive.

There is a rather long delay before the unit goes form standby to on. Here is the back panel:

Schiit Vidar Class AB Stereo Amplifier bridge back panel review.jpg

It is a shame we don’t have trigger input. Or balanced input for stereo (the one there is for bridged mode).

If you are not familiar with the measurements you are about to see, please watch this tutorial:

Schiit Vidar 2 Amplifier Measurements
As usual we start with our dashboard:

Schiit Vidar Class AB Stereo Amplifier Measurement.png

Mains noise was variable depending on how I grounded it. You may be able to do a bit better (or worse) than I did. 2nd harmonic distortion dominates and that is what sets SINAD to 88 dB which is good bit above what Vidar did (right highlight):

Best class ab stereo amplifier review 2024.png


Best class ab stereo amplifier review zoomed 2024.png

Noise performance is significantly improved over the original Vidar:

Schiit Vidar Class AB Stereo Amplifier SNR Measurement.png

Frequency response is excellent as we would expect:

Schiit Vidar Class AB Stereo Amplifier frequency response Measurement.png

Channel separation is better than average:

Schiit Vidar Class AB Stereo Amplifier crosstalk Measurement.png

Multitone just clears the hurdle for 16-bit content:

Schiit Vidar Class AB Stereo Amplifier Mulititone Measurement.png

Distortion hardly increases at higher frequencies which means 19+20 KHz test also does well:

Schiit Vidar Class AB Stereo Amplifier 19 20 kHz intermodulation distortion Measurement.png

Company specs are easily met for power:

Schiit Vidar Class AB Stereo Amplifier Power into 4 ohm Measurement.png


Schiit Vidar Class AB Stereo Amplifier Power into max and peak 4 ohm Measurement.png


Schiit Vidar Class AB Stereo Amplifier Power into 8 ohm Measurement.png

Max power was achieved at 1.7 volts so I ran my frequency vs power sweeps at that. While many amplifiers go into protection at high frequencies, the Vidar 2 blew its AC fuse. I replaced it with the spare that it came with and set the limit lower as to avoid clipping:

Schiit Vidar Class AB Stereo Amplifier  power vs frequency vs distortion Measurement.png

Given this, I didn’t try to pus the amp with my reactive load or testing it in mono. I trust their specs for the latter.

Nice to see Schiit improving on both usability and performance of the Vidar across the board. Company does a good job of staying competitive despite manufacturing products in US and giving 5 year warranty. I know many still find comfort in class AB designs and here you have a good example of it.

I am going to recommend the Schiit Vidar 2 amplifier.

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