SMSL DO200 MKII DAC Audio Science Review

SMSL DO200 MKII DAC Audio Science Review

This is a review and detailed measurements of the SMSL DO200 MKII stereo USB DAC.

Not much to complain about here as it fits the latest design of SMSL line. I like the clarity of the LCD and large volume indicator. Back panel is a you expect:

SMSL DO200 MKII MQA DAC Balanced Stereo back panel bluetooth Audio Review.jpg

Standard SMSL remote control is provided.

SMSL DO200 MKII Measurements
Let’s start with our usual dashboard with XLR output:

SMSL DO200 MKII MQA DAC Balanced Stereo Audio Measurements.png

Superbly low noise and distortion lands the unit in our 20 best DACs tested as far as sum of distortion and noise:

best midpriced stereo dac review 2023.png

RCA output is nearly as good:

SMSL DO200 MKII MQA DAC RCA Stereo Audio Measurements.png

Performance is noise limited as is the case with all DACs in this tier:

SMSL DO200 MKII MQA DAC Balanced Stereo THD+N vs Level Audio Measurements.png

What noise there is, is very low:

SMSL DO200 MKII MQA DAC Balanced Stereo DNR Audio Measurements.png

And well below threshold of audibility (assuming 120 dBSPL playback).

Linearity is perfect:

SMSL DO200 MKII MQA DAC Balanced Stereo Linearity Audio Measurements.png

Jitter is almost as perfect:

SMSL DO200 MKII MQA DAC Balanced Stereo Jitter Audio Measurements.png

IMD distortion is well under control:

SMSL DO200 MKII MQA DAC Balanced Stereo IMD Distortion Audio Measurements.png

Multitone tone test shows extremely low intermodulation distortion:

SMSL DO200 MKII MQA DAC Balanced Stereo Multitone Audio Measurements.png

Unlike some other DACs, there are only three filters to choose from:

SMSL DO200 MKII MQA DAC Balanced Stereo Filter Audio Measurements.png


SMSL DO200 MKII MQA DAC Balanced Stereo Frequency Response Audio Measurements.png

As noted I would go with the default Fast Linear.

I was a bit surprised to see higher than expected noise level in our wideband test:

SMSL DO200 MKII MQA DAC RCA Stereo THD vs frequency Audio Measurements.png

Quick look at the spectrum shows that it is due to noise shaping:

SMSL DO200 MKII MQA DAC Balanced Stereo FFT Audio Measurements.png

Actual harmonic distortion is under -130 dB which is superb. So not a concern.

Another superb offering from SMSL in the “mid-price” category of DACs. Don’t know what else needs to be said!

I am happy to recommend the SMSL DO200 MKII.


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